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Let’s Go Back To Old Times - Oh So Lelo

Growing up, I’ve heard the term “you don’t know what it’s like to grow up in the good ol’ days" countless times, and the older I get the more I started to think about it. As the development of technology became slowly unnoticeable, everything became available with hit of a button from voicing your opinion overseas via WhatsApp, to my ultimate favorite privilege of getting your groceries through Amazon Prime. It is undebatable that technology has become a vital role in our day to day lives and mega trends like globalization and technological convergence has influenced the world in tremendous ways. The way we dress, communicate, and appreciate has changed forever. We have simply forgotten to appreciate the beautiful world around us in it’s simplest form and I owe the city of San Francisco my heart for reminding me that there is beauty all around us. In many cities around the world, lays a main street in the heart of the city that holds a reflection of the people. These main streets house each city’s culture. Moving to San Francisco from Saudi Arabia, I had never experienced being a part of a street as a pedestrian nor using it on a daily basis. Living in a city like San Francisco made me appreciate the little things even more as the city and it’s welcoming locals allowed me to see its rich history. The more I learned, the more I appreciated and admired this world as a whole. This city's streets are a true representation of a melting pot, containing all of the diversity that San Francisco is known for, and showing the full horizon of different education and income levels, races and ethnicities, and beliefs and practices. With all of its differences, the people of San Francisco have been able to maintain the city’s culture and history throughout the years. It wasn’t until my Urban Sociology class in my last semester where I got a closer look at San Francisco. I came out knowing one thing for sure: San Francisco is a city the appreciates the “little things in life” and in a way, I felt that I finally got to understand the good ol’ days. Below, you can find some of the wisdom I've learned from living in this gorgeous city. Enjoy!


LOCAL GROWN “In the good old days it felt good knowing where your food is sourced from, who sells it and who buys it, oh what a community.” Support local, think global! SEND ME A POSTCARD When was the last time you wrote someone a handwritten note? Something they might stubble upon after a while goes by and still makes them smile. CAPTURE MEMORIES Don’t be afraid to capture the moment. You can enjoy and capture, and there's no need to feel the guilt of self-indulgence. Looking back at the picture will remind you of lovely moments that can brighten up any day. SPRAY OF HEAVEN Simple things can be the cause of great joy. Remember to smell the roses, and to appreciate the scents around you. NEWS ON PAPER Oh how news had a different feel, my oh my, how does real news still get by. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER For one to understand the present, one must understand history. That's what San Francisco's streets are all about. LEAP FORWARD Looking back is essential in order for appreciation to develop. However, there's a thin line between looking back and dwelling on the past. To truly grow is to acknowledge the good, and hope for better.


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