Now that Halloween is right around the corner, let’s talk special effects make up. This is a small breakdown of what you might need when creating your awesome gruesome look!
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Cotton and Liquid Latex
You will definitely be using these products so many times to create your wound and anything that could be sticking out of your face- By layering latex and cotton you can create so many things, from a simple wound to a full-size life cast, the possibilities are endless.
Basic Make-up Products
You will definitely be needing your foundation and cream make-up pallets in order to color in your cotton and latex once it dries, also you will definitely be using colorful eyeshadow pallets to create bruises or coloring in the wounds with different shades of red.
Body Paint
When you have whatever it is on your face or body you’re going to have to paint it with something. there are so many out there and all tailored to what you want and what you’re going for. For example, there are water activated paint, alcohol activated paint, cream paint…etc. the activated paints can be super pigmented or sheered down depending on how much water or alcohol you use. Water activated paints are easier to use and find but I wouldn’t recommend you use if you’re wearing it in a hot humid day because sweat can sheer it down and ruin your look.
And lots of it! Fake blood and scab blood is how you make everything come alive and look absolutely flawless and real! No one will ask you if that’s fake or not! They’ll just be taking pictures of your awesome creation!
You will need your basic tools for example, disposables (Q-tips, sponges, mascara wands) spatula and a mixing pallet to mix all you medium, Brushes to paint your looks.