Raoum Alsuhaibani, a 23-year-old Saudi woman that decided to change her life at the age of 17. She first became a vegetarian and later took a step forward by starting a Vegan diet. She shared “It turned out to be the best decision I have ever made in my life.” She teaches yoga and trains part-time. Full-time, she runs a website, a YouTube channel and other social media platforms to share healthy recipes, yoga, eco-friendly living, ethical shopping, natural beauty, and wellness.
When Raoum was a senior in high school, she moved to the US and lived with an American family that consumed an unhealthy diet. She stated, “They consumed a typical western diet high in animal products, sugar, and saturated fats.” Her senior year is the year that she decided to make a huge change. The process was a long one full of mistakes and difficulties, and that’s why she started ‘Sukkari Life’, in order to help people avoid the same mistakes and find accurate information.
As any new lifestyle has challenges, Raoum managed to overcome them. She shared that social events and gatherings were somewhat difficult in the beginning. But now, everyone understands and has gotten used to her vegan choices. “It won’t be easy in the beginning (as you’re changing your habits and taste buds), but it will be worth it!” she shared.
When we asked Raoum how people generally react to this sort of thing, her answer was:
“Today people are very understanding of my veganism. However, seven years ago when I became vegetarian I consistently heard jokes and struggled with my grandmother trying to force-feed me meat. Now both of my grandmothers are trying to reduce the amount of meat they consume in order to better their health!”
Finally, she gave us a list of tips that she would give someone who is planning to start a healthy lifestyle such as hers:
1. Start slow! Start eating healthy and moving your body whether it’s walking, exercising, or practicing yoga. Whatever you fancy. At the beginning, you won’t enjoy moving your body and it might be hard to motivate yourself, but remember that “discipline is freedom” you’ll feel much better after moving and getting the blood circulating. It will also help keep your appetite regulated and motivate you to eat healthily.
2. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals to motivate you to live healthfully
3. Remember that your taste buds will change and you might stop craving the junk food you used to eat and if you eat it again, it’ll taste different!
4. Know that quick fixes don’t work in the long run. Make it a lifestyle and you won’t feel restricted afterward, you’ll get to appreciate how healthy eating and moving makes you feel clear minded, light, and energized.
Follow Raoum and her interesting healthy lifestyle on Sukkarilife.com!