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Almond Milk .. Should You Drink It?

Milk is a treasure of many of the nutritional components which help your body to be healthy in a good way, and that's why it is always recommended to include milk in your daily diet, so that it gives you more energy and health. One of the most famous kinds of milk is almond milk, are you a fan of it?

Almond milk is one of the most popular dairy-free milks. It's made by blending almonds with water and then straining the mixture to remove the solids. It can also be made by adding water to almond butter. It has a pleasant, nutty flavor and creamy texture that's similar to regular milk.

For this reason, it is a popular choice for vegans and those who are allergic or intolerant to dairy.

Here are some of almond milk health benefits:

  • Great for Weight Loss – As compared to other milks, plain almond milk only has 60 calories per 8 oz. serving size.

  • Healthy Heart – Almond milk is low in sodium and cholesterol.

  • Blood Sugar/Diabetic Friendly – The low amount of sugars in almond milk have a low glycemic nature, meaning our bodies fully digest them and use them as energy.

  • Glowing Skin – Almond milk contains 50 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E, which contains antioxidant properties essential to your skin's health, such as protecting it against sun damage.

  • Nutritious – High in Vitamin D (25% DV) and Calcium (30% DV). Vitamin D strengthens the immune system and improves cell function. It also has vitamin A, which is great for your eyes and vision.It also contains Vitamin E which improves your skin’s health.

  • Builds Strength – Although low in protein, almond milk makes it up in Iron. Each serving of almond milk contains 4% of your daily value of Iron, which helps muscles absorb protein for energy and strength.

As with everything you buy, make sure to check the labels and purchase almond milk that contains the least amount of preservatives and other additives.

Hopefully after learning these facts, you can make a healthier choice as well and improve your diet. A lot of people make almond milk a right choice at their daily routine.

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