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The Saudi 87th National Day!

Courtesy of SPA

The Saudi National Day, 2017 is a festive day in which the Saudi Nation celebrates the memory of the establishment and unification of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a historic day during which the country’s name changed from the Kingdom of Hijaz to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; this was after the royal decree that was issued by King Abdulaziz AlSaud (may God have mercy on his soul), this decree holds the number 2716 and it was on the 17th of Jumada AlAwal, 1371 Hijri. It was written down in history for the 23rd of Septemer, 1932 to be the Saudi National Day. This date falls upon Saturday the 23rd of September, 2017. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arabic World lives an overwhelming joy on that day, because in the minds of the government and the people, lives the memory of the unification of the Kingdom. All over this great country, people are hosting festivals and events in tribute to this glorious day. In addition, all employees that work for a governmental authority were given a one day holiday on Sunday 24/9/2017, as a celebration, instead of Saturday, the 23rd, which was the original Saudi National Day in 2017.

Courtesy of SPA

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