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This is Your Time .. What Are You Waiting For?

Our main problem is not that we do not have enough time to achieve what we want, but that we do not take advantage of time in the right way to do what should be done.

The first step of managing time and using it well is losing the myth "I do not have the time" to start a more organized life and best use of time and life in general.

Time management is the process of benefiting from the time and personal talents available to us, to achieve the important goals we seek in our lives, and maintaining the balance between the requirements of life and personal life, and between the needs of the body, soul and mind.

Success and creativity are not efficient unless done within the assigned time to achieve these goals, it means effective time management. So we have to put in mind that achieving the goals is not less important than the goals themselves.

People with their various circumstances, each one of them owns 168 hours a week for work and activity, and the difference between these people lies in each one's strategy in managing these hours.

There is time which is hard to arrange or manage or take advantage of it in other than what it was assigned for, this is the time we spent in our basis needs, like food, rest, or important social and familial relationships, and this time is important to maintain our balance in life.

On the other hand, there is time we can arrange and manage, and this is the time we assign for work, and personal life. In this specific kind of time lies the big challenge we face, in which through we know the extent of our benefit of time.

Time management first means self management, it is an attempt to tame time and have control over it rather than it having control over us. It is taking advantage of wasted time and using it well to overcome stress and frustration which reduce work efficiency.

Always remember that time management is a task that belongs to you only, as it should suit your your circumstances and nature. If you want to manage your time, you have to look for the time that can be managed and then know the part where you become fully active and use it as the production and hard work for you.

Some behaviors and beliefs that can lead to saving time and using it well:

  • Set the goal.

  • Planning.

  • Patience.

  • Always keep a To-Do List .

  • Do not keep the heavy tasks (finish them immediately).

  • Prepare frequent tasks by making a check list.

  • Group similar tasks.

  • Do not keep incomplete tasks (finish each task you start).

  • Take advantage of car time or travel time.


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