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Flawless Skin For Every Budget

Smooth silky skin with no bumps or discoloration, isn't that what we're all after? We've all heard about Kim Kardashian's extensive extravagant skincare routine which gave her flawless skin, however she achieved that by spending thousands and thousands of dollars on skincare products that could feed a family in need for a whole year. What if I told you that you could get similar results without splurging all that money? Follow these simple rules and thank me later, ladies and gents.

What you're going to need are basic products that you probably already have but are using wrong. Similar to make-up, you could get the same product as a beauty guru but still look like a clown; it's not about the product, it's the method.

1- Clean clean clean!

When it comes to skincare, there is no bigger sin than not taking your make-up off at the end of the day. No matter how tired you are, REMOVE your make-up.

Minimal Products:

Preferably start with any cleansing wash that you have and are used to, then use your go-to make-up remover. I would recommend Bioderma's makeup removing micelle solution, but don't use this on your eyes because it's not good for your eyelashes, instead, opt for an eye make-up remover offered by brands such as Clinique.


Nothing like plain old sink water to wash the first layer of makeup off, then use any natural oils you have at home, such as olive oil or coconut oil. This, however, is a trial and error method; see which oil best suits your skin and stick with it.

Side note: Wipe until you see that the cotton pad has no make up left on it, meaning there shouldn't be any color whatsoever, and only then will you know that your face is truly clean.

2- Tone

Everyone probably wonders what does toning even do, right? Well toning helps restore pH balance of the skin, tightens and minimizes open pores (which prevents germs and dirt from making a home out of your skin), detoxifies the skin, reduces acne, and last but not least, hydrates the skin.

Minimal Products:

A Simple product you could use is any toner by NIVEA, it honestly gets the job done.


Lemon juice is a good wash off toner. Just squeeze the juice out of a lemon and directly apply it to your face, leave it on for 10 mins, then gently rinse off.

However, if your skin is overly sensitive, I would suggest you dilute it with some water to make it less intense.

Another good natural toner is Chamomile tea. It is especially good for dry and damaged skin. Soak it in hot water for about 5 minutes, wait for it to cool down, let it sit on your face for about 15 minutes then rinse off.

3- Moisturize

Moisturizing is essential to get smooth skin. It pains me to say this, but you do need a separate moisturizer for your under-eye area.

Minimal Products:

8 letters, Cetaphil, it works for every type of skin because it is the very basic form of a moisturizer.

As for the under-eye area, I swear by Kiehl's Avocado Eye Cream. Thank me later.


Pop a cucumber into a blender then add a couple of drops of honey. There you go, natural moisturizer. Olive oil and coconut oil work just as well.

Pro tip: Add a couple of slices of cold cucumbers around your eyes for an instant de-puff!

4- Sun Damage

Sorry guys, but the only way to prevent discoloration is using sunscreen.

Minimal Products:

Literally any sunscreen product with a good SPF would work.

Natural Method: Wear a hat! Seriously.

Making your own sunscreen out of natural ingredients could potentially be dangerous, because you are not aware of the SPF levels and so on. You could probably cause more harm than protection.

Either hide from the sun, or just give in and buy a good sunscreen.

5- Hydrate! Please!

H2O, our neglected friend.

Please just drink water to survive! Bonus points, it gives you clear and hydrated skin!


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