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Meet The Dentist Who's Responsible For the Pretty smiles on Huda Kattan And Mahira Abdulaziz!

Dr. Michael Apa

Dr. Michael Apa is the smile guru behind Huda Kattan, Mahira Abdulaziz, Fouz Alfahad, and Taim Alfelasi.

For Hollywood A-listers, models, and the Insta-famous, there's only one trusted cosmetic dentist for a smile upgrade–Dr. Michael Apa. With offices in New York City and Dubai, Apa divides his time between high profile clients on both continents. He's responsible for the souped-up smiles on Huda Kattan, Mahira Abdulaziz, Mario Dedivanovic, Fouz Alfahad, Taim Alfelasi, Bryan Boy and many others. all rely on Apa for gorgeous teeth.

The key to Apa's natural aesthetic? Preservation of asymmetry. "It's about creating harmony between your teeth and face," he explains, which is why no two Apa veneer "after"s look the same. Here, the smile guru shares his tips for those considering veneers (and what you should never bring to a consultation).

Be conservative

While some cosmetic procedures are easy to reverse, botched veneers are much more complicated to correct. "A botched job is something where it's literally a foreign object on top of your tooth, rather than a porcelain veneer becoming a part of your new tooth. There's a big distinction between the two," Apa explains. "You get one set of adult teeth for the rest of your life. And it has to last you your entire life. With cosmetic procedures for your teeth happening younger and younger, you have to be super conservative."

Veneers are an investment

Each tooth can cost up to SR15,000, Apa's going rate, and you should plan to replace them every 15-20 years. For those looking to save, lower priced options do exist, but Apa cautions against working with an inexperienced dentist. REMEMBER, you only get one set of adult teeth.

Good veneers become one with your natural teeth

"The body's natural way is to destroy anything foreign," Apa says. The key to a successful procedure is tricking the body into recognizing veneers as natural teeth. When the body rejects veneers, the gums swell, veneers start to pop off, and you'll notice bad breath caused by trapped bacteria. "The list goes on and on. It just creates a mess in your mouth."


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