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Watch Out .. This Is A Crime Against Your Skin

A lot of times you get back home exhausted and tired and feeling lazy which leads you to go straight to bed and sleep without thinking about removing your makeup, you may feel comfortable here but you are committing a serious crime against your skin.

So what are the consequences of sleeping without removing makeup?

You must first know that your skin takes the opportunity of bedtime to regain its rest which is taken from it throughout the day, and works to renew the damaged cells and self-peeling and detoxification, so if you leave the makeup layers without getting rid of them before sleep, it is difficult for the skin to do all these vital functions and even worse, it blocks the pores, which causes acne problems.

There is no problem when it happens for just one night, but if it turns to be a habit, you will then suffer from these symptoms.

When you feel lazy about removing your makeup, we recommend that you wash your face in the morning with a suitable face wash and then use a good scrub to get rid of the dead skin and also help to open the pores and remove the dirt caused by the make-up on your skin. You can do your skin a great favor if you go out today without putting makeup or just putting on a little of it.

We recommend that you keep a makeup remover next to your bed so that it is easy for you every night, even though we recognize that it is better to wash the face with water.

However, using a makeup remover is better than leaving the make-up destroy your skin all night, and know that the damage caused by this habit requires a long time to treat and the skin rarely goes back as it was.

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