The taste of delicious berries and it's joyful colors are enough reasons to make you eat them continuously, but what if you knew about the amount of benefits they contain?
Berries are the most important fruits concentrated in nutrients. They contain a high percentage of fiber that helps maintain a healthy digestive system and avoid constipation. They are also rich in healthy plant elements and antioxidants (especially Vitamin C).
Scientific studies have shown that these nutrients play an important role in:
• Enhancing brain functions and their interconnectivity and memory activation because they can reach brain cells, thereby improving their interconnectivity. In addition, they may play a role in raising the lifetime of brain cells.
• Strengthen the immune system and contribute to reduce the impact of carcinogens on the body and thus help to avoid the incidence of cancer.
• Maintain the integrity of blood vessels, which contributes to low blood pressure.
• Improve the quality of good cholesterol in the blood and thus it is beneficial for heart health.
• Raspberry and blueberry contain lutein, a natural substance found in the eye, which protects against leakage of harmful rays from the sun or even from light inside the room, thus contributing to the health of eyesight.
How do you add berries to your daily meals?
You can add them to oat flakes, with yogurt and honey.
Whisk them with milk (preferably low-fat milk).
Sprinkle some red berries in your favorite salad dish, with spinach and beetroot.
Add them to sweets and cakes.
Add them to your cheese platters.
Eat them as they are, fresh, iced or juiced.