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What’s the distinction between having style and being stylish?

Well, a couple of things. Being stylish is simply an appearance of having figured out how to take advantage of your style and express it outwardly. That’s it. It’s not neurological surgery, it’s not science, it’s easy peasy. However, if it is easy, why do most people struggle? I believe people experience a difficult time with it because, rather than searching inward, they seek their style outwardly. Huge misstep.

Not being born with style is like saying you’re not born with a personality. As everyone has a personality (regardless if it is dull), everybody has style; yet not everybody is stylish.

But.. Fashion, magazines, yappy bloggers, makeover shows, designers, and so forth can not tell you what your kind of style is. They can influence you, inspire you and coax it out of you, but they can’t discover it for you. Your style is in the profound openings of your being, sticking around waiting to be approached while you’re strolling in and out of stores hoping to finally figure out how to avoid looking like just another acceptably dressed nobody in the city. You already know what you need to know about your style. You just need to simply pay attention and actually trust it. Sure, go ahead, layer on all you want, but if you don’t stop to find out what makes you tick, you’re going to run around in circles…while continuing to look like that acceptably dressed nobody in the city.

Once you know who you are as an identity, then you can make the right perfect clothing choices. Getting dressed with style is a three part formula. Part One is knowing your style. Part Two is knowing your lifestyle and Part Three is knowing how to dress your physical characteristics. Once you know these three things you’re already on your way.


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